Tying an Arbor Knot

An arbor knot is both easy to tie and does it's job well, though there are several other knots you can use to secure the end of the backing to the arbor of the reel. It's strong enough to hold if you drop your rod and reel into a river and pull them back by the line.

Step 1: Circle the arbor of the reel with the tag end of the line, so that you have enough slack to tie two overhand knots total.

Step 2: Tie an overhand knot around the standing part as shown above.

Step 3: Tie a second overhand knot in the tag end no more than two or three inches from the first overhand knot.

Step 4: Moisten the line and the two overhand knots. Hold the reel or spool with your left hand and pull on the standing part of the line with your right hand. The first overhand knot will slide down to the arbor and the second overhand knot will serve as a jam. Trim the tag end so that it doesn't catch line stored on the spool.

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